Steven Weber, alias KD1JV is well known in the world of QRP, each of his kits is eagerly awaited. I followed for a long time the yahoo group : ATS SPRINT, my goal was to catch one of his Mountain Topper QRP rig. But he produces only 150 units by year, and all is solded in less than 48h.

It’s an amazing small blue box  :

  1. -2 bands : 80, 40, 30 and 20m. You choose it at the build time.

  2. -Only CW.

  3. -DDS VFO.

  4. -Power with 9v : 3W, with 11,5v : 5W.

  5. -RX Bandwith : 500hz.

  6. -RX current : 35ma.

  7. -TX current with 3w (9v) : 600ma max.

  8. -Digital mode compatible.

  9. -3 keyer memories.

  10. -RIT : + or - 1.5Khz.

  11. -Battery voltage, QRG indicator

  12. -One 7 segments LED display .

  13. -etc...

I received my kit number 244 and I immediatly understood why his kits are so awaited, all is tought : color coding on SMD components, desoldering braid, fine tin etc... And all components and connectors are just excellent !

The manual can be downloaded on the yahoo group. Again, everything is referred to not make any mistakes. The design work is just awesome...

It took me about one day to build the kit and one hour to set up and calibrate the Rig. I feared this step but finally it was very easy. I used an external sound card, FLdigi and an audio spectrum on my macbook. It was also my first SMD kit, and I find it pretty easy to solder with my JCB 40 ST and his welding plate R10-D.

I choose a BNC connector for my antenna, and it’s the only one modification I did on the MTR. For the moment !  :-)

I will update this page when my MTR will have some hours of QSO, with videos and new pictures. But at this time, I am impressed by the overall quality of this rig. Thanks Steven !